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The Elf on the Shelf® Adventure in Downtown Knoxville, Tennessee


Santa is sending sneaky elves to Downtown Knoxville, Tennessee for a magical The Elf on the Shelf® Adventure scavenger hunt from the day after Thanksgiving to January 5, 2025.


You'll meet elves like Twinkle and Sprinkles keeping the sweets swirling at Cruze Farm Ice Cream, Peppamint Cocobee keeping watch over all the delicious lattes at Awaken Coffee, and Mr. Dusty-Bottom working at Pretentious Glass Co's glass studio (which is kind of like Santa's workshop)! Meet all the Scout Elves here


Ready for your adventure?


Pick up a North Pole Pass at Mast General Store or Knoxville Visitors Center to guide you through the adventure. The first 5,000 participants will receive a holiday stamp to self-stamp their passes. 


When you've spotted elves at 20 or more locations, you can enter to win prizes at Mast General Store, the Santa-approved Scout Elf Adoption Center. 


Happy holiday hunting! #ELVESINKNOX